Exciting news! We’re hosting our first ever fundraising event – a donor mixer – on March 29! It’s at the Grand Hotel in Sunnyvale at 5:30pm, and it should be a great time.

We’re currently looking for sponsors to make the event a success! We’re looking for sponsors at the following levels:

  • Gold Medalist: $10,000 – Would be given premier visibility at event, mentioned in opening remarks, and listed on our website
  • Silver Medalist: $6,000 – Honored at the event, mentioned in opening remarks, and listed on website
  • Bronze Medalist: $2,000 – Featured on donor list at event, and listed on website
  • Olympian: $700 – Mentioned on donor list at event, and listed on website
  • Athlete: $300 – Included on donor list at event, and listed on website

If you’re interested in supporting, please head over to our donations page, and mention the donor mixer when you send us your payment.

We look forward to seeing all of you there!